
Expense tracking for accountants

A seamless way to track expenses for accountants

Accountants are the epitome of fiscal responsibility. They are responsible for financial precision in expense tracking, accounts receivable, creating monetary reports, and beyond. An accountant’s role transcends mere number crunching, often evolving into strategic advisory as they dissect the flow of every penny. 

The good news is they can do this seamlessly when they take advantage of Expensify, an expense management app that lets accountants scan receipts in a snap, keep track of their expenses, and customize expense reports just how they like them. 

See why accountants love Expensify and also recommend it to their clients. 

Use Expensify to simplify your expense management as an accountant

Expensify was made to be every accountant’s best friend. With all the daily number crunching, you've already got your work cut out for you. Let Expensify lend you a helping hand to reduce tedious, manual inputs – or get rid of the back and forth between multiple accounting programs – and automate expense tracking instead. 

Here are some of the things you’ll love:

Accounting integrations

Automatically sync your existing accounting system with Expensify, saving you time and keeping you ready for audits and tax season.

Realtime expense reports

Get your expense reports coded accurately and automatically in realtime, so you have every report at your fingertips when needed. 

Receipt scanning

Gone are the days of paper receipts taking over your desk. Now, you can snap a picture with your phone to automatically capture and input the information into your expense report.

Customized exporting options

You can get your data exactly how you want it by choosing how it’s exported. This way, you'll never miss a beat when tracking your expenses and staying compliant.

How do accountants track expenses?  

Accountants have a range of tools at their disposal for expense tracking. While some may still rely on traditional methods like pen and paper, many have embraced the efficiency of specialized expense software.

The accountant’s expense tracking checklist:

  • Record expenses as they occur

  • Categorize expenses for better organization and tax preparation

  • Regularly reconcile recorded expenses with bank statements

  • Generate reports for analysis and auditing purposes

  • Stay compliant with tax laws and regulations regarding deductions and claims

Expense tracking for clients

Different clients have different needs. That's why accountants track their clients' expenses using various methods, including expense tracking software. They can monitor realtime expenses by integrating the software with banking institutions and accounting systems. This, in turn, helps them to efficiently manage their clients' expenses, ensuring accuracy and compliance with tax laws and regulations.

There's no one-size-fits-all approach. As an accountant, you might even utilize client-provided spreadsheets or online portals for expense submission. Accountants adapt their methods based on client size, industry, and specific needs. That’s where expense tracking software becomes an obvious choice, which offers:

  • Streamlined data entry: Easy upload or manual input of expenses.

  • Realtime monitoring: Integration with bank accounts and accounting systems for up-to-date financial snapshots.

  • Effortless organization: Automatic categorization and tagging for efficient expense management.

  • Easy communication: With Expensify’s chat-first design, it is easy to collaborate with clients.

Expense tracking for themselves

Accountants track their own expenses by also using expense tracking software. Such programs allow them to input and categorize their expenses, track receipts and invoices, and generate reports for budgeting (both business and personal) and tax purposes. Then, they can easily stay on top of their expenses, streamline their financial management, and ensure they comply with tax laws and regulations.

The benefits of using an expense tracking software

Thanks to the integration of technology, which has revolutionized the traditional ledger, a whole suite of digital tools is available to help with meticulous expense monitoring. The upsurge in expense tracking software for accountants has many benefits, providing enhanced accuracy, increased efficiency, and heightened financial transparency.

As an accountant offering professional services, you probably have your own weapons of choice for your financial management, but too many tools can be overwhelming – and might even make you more prone to errors. There’s got to be a better way. 

Luckily, Expensify is the best expense tracking software for accountants. It centralizes various functions, so you don’t constantly have to jump from one program to another. For example, many of our ExpensifyApproved! accountants love that we have an Expensify and QuickBooks integration because it’s a program they’re already using with their clients. Expensify provides an unobstructed view of your expenditures, helping with better decision-making. Plus, it supports better compliance and audit readiness by keeping meticulous and easily accessible records for review. 

If you’re budget-conscious, a tool like Expensify is indispensable in cost management and budgeting. By streamlining the process of recording and reviewing expenses, you can swiftly identify areas of potential savings and implement cost-control measures. 

“Since we started using Expensify, the amount of time it takes from creating an expense to getting reimbursed has been cut in half. The app has freed up our time to focus on other aspects of our clients' needs.”

- Laura Redmond, CEO of Redmond Accounting

Read the full case study

Expense tracking for accountants FAQs

What features should I look for in expense tracking software for accountants?

When choosing expense tracking software for accountants, look for advanced reporting capabilities, automated receipt capture and categorization, integration with accounting systems, and multi-user access with role-based permissions. Be sure the software offers robust security measures so sensitive financial data is always protected. 

How does expense tracking software ensure data security and privacy?

Typically, expense tracking software ensures data security and privacy by employing multiple measures, such as data encryption, secure user authentication protocols, and compliance with industry standards. Features like these help safeguard sensitive financial information from unauthorized access and data breaches. 

Can expense tracking software integrate with other accounting tools and platforms?

Yes, most of today’s expense tracking software can seamlessly integrate with various accounting tools and platforms. Expensify, for example, integrates with some of the most popular accounting software on the market, helping to streamline data transfer, reduce manual entry, and ensure accuracy across financial systems so accountants can easily manage and analyze their expenses.

What are the benefits of using expense tracking software over traditional methods?

When you use expense tracking software instead of traditional methods, you get benefits like real-time tracking, automated data entry, and enhanced accuracy. Software simplifies the process of managing expenses, reducing the risk of human error, thus allowing for more efficient reporting and analysis. 

Automate accounting expenses with Expensify

Automate your most time-consuming tasks, which are at risk of errors: tracking and managing expenses. With Expensify, gain back time, ensure accuracy, and be audit-ready so you can focus on what truly matters for your clients and your business.

Ready to get started? Enter your information below, and we’ll take it from there.