Kilometre/time support: A long time (and distance) coming

Great news everybody! We've just released support for kilometres in mileage expenses (both web and mobile) as well as time tracking on the web interface.
In the mobile app, you now have the option to select between miles and kilometres for mileage entries. Whether you're creating a basic distance expense, using our odometer option or the GPS tracker you can select kilometres to track your trip accurately.
From the web interface, you can create a mileage expense in km by clicking the 'new expense' button on the Expenses page and selecting 'km' instead of 'mi'.
As an individual user, you can set your reimbursement rate for kilometres in Settings > Preferences. If your company is using Expensify, the company kilometre rate setting will be located in Settings > Policies > [choose your policy] > Mileage. You can set kilometres as your default mileage preference by policy or personal preference here as well.
As you may have noticed above, time tracking is now available on the web interface too! To create a time expense, click 'new expense' on the Expenses page and select the 'Time' tab:As always, if you have any questions about our new features (or any questions at all!) please contact us at Happy expensing!