Get the most out of Expensify’s insights and custom reporting

Get the most out of Expensify’s insights and custom reporting

Have you ever wished you had more insight into your team’s spending, so you can identify cost-saving opportunities? Expensify has a range of flexible reporting options that will help you surface this information in just a few clicks! Over the years, we’ve worked with businesses of all sizes to customize reporting options that give them the data they need to make informed decisions about their budgets.

There are four simple ways to organize your expense data into actionable information:

1. Get a summary on your insights page

You can use the filters to isolate the date range you want to review, and then organize it by submitter, category, merchant, policy, card feed, and more. Once you have the range defined, your data will automatically be converted to a pie chart, so you have a handy visual representation of how your spend is being distributed. This is great for getting a quick snapshot of spend trends. 

2. Export data using one of our prefilled templates

To make things simple for some of our customers, we surveyed our customers and built seven simple but powerful reports that satisfy a range of common use cases: 

  • All Data - Expense Level Export - This is for the people who want ALL the details from their expense reports. We’re talking Tax, Merchant Category Codes, Approvers - you name it, this report’s got it!

  • All Data - Report Level Export - this is the report for those who don’t need to see each individual expense but want to see a line-by-line breakdown at a report level - submitter, total amount, report ID - that kind of stuff

  • Basic Export - this is the best way to get a simple breakdown of all your expenses - just the basics

  • Canadian Multiple Tax Export - tax, GST, PST…if you need to know tax then this is the export you want!

  • Category Export - want to see a breakdown of your expenses by Category? This is the export you

  • Per Diem Export - the name says it all

  • Tag Export - much like the Category Export, but for Tags

All of these reports are already available for customers on the Reports page. To access these, select the group of reports you want to export and then click “Export to” in the top right-hand corner. The report will be emailed directly to you in .csv format. 

3. Experiment and build your own report

Every business is unique and from time-to-time will have specific data reporting needs. When that time comes, we’ve got you covered for building a custom report. You can either build your custom report under your Account Settings, or make it available to all policy admins by creating it in a group policy. Don’t be intimidated by formulas, our support team is here to help if you get stuck! These reports will be available for download in a csv format. You can see more details on how to build custom reports on our help site.

4. Ask the Expensify team for help

If your needs are more complex than the in-product custom reporting options, let us know! Your Account Manager or Setup Specialist will be happy to help and find a custom solution for your reporting needs. To make these requests, reach out to your Expensify point of contact with the following questions answered: 

What data points do you want to analyze? 

  • How frequently do you want to run this report? 

  • Who needs access to this report?

  • How much data do you plan on exporting?

  • Do you have an example sheet with column headings?

Using data to empower spend decisions

Expensify is a gold mine of data for analyzing your business spend and is the perfect place to identify trends, outliers, and areas where cost-saving measures can be implemented. Reach out to your Account Manager, Setup Specialist, or Concierge today to get started!

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