Split Expense

Split expenses and chat in one app

TL;DR Expensify Split is the all-in-one experience for friends to coordinate, split expenses, and get paid back. Ideal for group travel, roommates, local teams, and more. Just create a group, add expenses, and let us handle the tracking. Easily settle up directly within the app. 

Ever found yourself on a trip with colleagues or friends, sharing expenses like hotel fees, taxi rides, and meals, trying to figure out who owes what and how to split the bill properly? 

Or, maybe you live with roommates and often become frustrated month after month trying to split the rent, utilities, and things you’ve bought for your apartment or house. What’s the easiest way to split bills and expenses? 

Perhaps you’re managing a group project at school or a volunteer team and have had to chase people down to get their receipts turned in so they can be reimbursed – or have a hard time tracking who’s spent what and who needs to get paid back. 

There must be a better way. 

Who owes what? The challenges of splitting expenses

We’re all social creatures, and splitting expenses with our “crew,” co-workers, or family is just the norm. With splitting expenses comes the pain of coordinating who owes what and how things will be split, and often doing this with multiple apps – a text/chat app, a split app, and then a payments app – just to get your money back. Can you relate to any of the following? 

  • Manual calculations: Always relying on manually calculating costs and how to split them presents its own challenges. 

  • Unequal spending: Not everyone spends the same amount, especially when you’re dining out. Some people just want a salad, whereas others never skip dessert. 

  • Making the payment: People use different banks and payment systems just like opting for a dessert or only ordering a cocktail. What if you could pay using an app that tracks expenses for the group?

  • Differing financial situations: We’re all different, and different people have different budgets. Some people might splurge whenever they go out, while others might stick to a tight budget. 

  • Communication issues: Everyone has their own “money rules.” Some people have no problem when it comes to speaking about the subject, but others may have reservations or consider it taboo. In turn, this could lead to confusion, hurt, or resentment.

  • Keeping things “fair”: Here’s something to consider – should everything be equal, no matter what? This can be an ongoing debate between groups, especially regarding money and splitting expenses.  

  • Lost and faded receipts: Let’s be honest – keeping track of those tiny pieces of paper is challenging! But if you paid cash for something related to a group expense, and it’s the only record, it’s evidence that you need to be reimbursed. What do you do without it?

  • Using paper and pen for tracking spend: We’re a mostly digital society, but (often) when it comes to personal expenses, it’s hard to be organized unless you have something that automates it.

What are the benefits of using an app to split expenses?

Avoid math-filled and awkward conversations and use a split expense app to reduce the stress and hassle of splitting the bill. Whether dividing the bill after a night out with friends, sharing expenses for a quick grocery run with roommates, managing a group project or student organization with your peers, or making corporate group travel easier, a split expense app provides some of the following benefits. 

Simplify group expenses

Gone are the days of writing chicken scratch on a dinner napkin using your calculator app. When you use a split expense app to handle who owes what and collect the payments in a snap, your group activity ends on a high note instead of being a buzzkill when the bill arrives. 

Expedite getting paid back

Figuring out how to split a bill is only half the battle. The other part, which is the most important, is how to get your money back. An app that splits bills shouldn’t just tally who needs to pay what; it should also make it easy and fast for you to get reimbursed if you’re the one footing the bill for everyone. 

One place to plan/chat and track expenses

Another great example of an excellent app to split expenses is one that allows you to centralize everything, from planning to chatting to tracking expenses. You should be able to plan your night out with friends, your group travel, or your group project in the same place where you split the bill, track your expenses and get paid back. 

What’s the best app to track expenses and split bills? 

Enter Expensify. 

Built with you in mind, our new Split Expense product allows you to centralize tracking expenses, split the bill, and digitally capture receipts. Our all-in-one app is for splitting group trips and travel expenses, splitting expenses with friends, splitting bills with roommates, and so much more.

How Expensify simplifies splitting expenses

Choose Expensify to simplify and streamline splitting the bill, no matter what it’s for. 

Here are some of the Expensify features we know you’ll love:

Effortless splitting and expense tracking

Get valuable insights into your finances with Expensify and let the app handle automatic expense tracking. Input expenses and/or receipts, and we’ll keep track of who owes who for you.

Simplified budgeting

Avoid surprises and keep tabs on shared costs to better manage your budget.

Easy payments

Use the payment options already built into Expensify to get paid back easily. Don’t stress about losing cash or depositing a check at the bank. Save time and get your peace of mind back.

Transparency and fairness

With Expensify Split Expense, everyone can see the breakdown of the bill, reducing confusion and the awkwardness of “who owes what.”

Recept automation

Scan the bill when you get it, and let us automatically input the details and split. No need to take out your calculator!

One app for collaboration and splitting

Centralize and manage everything from just one app. Instead of going back and forth between chat apps, payment apps, and everything in between, Expensify’s got everything you need, all in one place.

FAQs about Expensify’s Split Expense feature

  • We have built-in payment options that everyone can use. If someone decides to pay you outside of Expensify, simply mark the expense as paid, and you’re all set.

  • No, we've allowed delegated splitting, so people don't need to adopt Split Expense. You can create expenses on their behalf for easy tracking and splitting expenses.

  • It's free! Expensify allows individuals to create groups and track expenses for free.

Ready to make splitting expenses a breeze? 

Enter your email or phone number to get started today for free.